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Our Story: Dea & Bradley

Read how Dea and her favorite rescue dog, Bradley, received exceptional care from the team at Animal Emergency Center in Memphis. 

What Happened

A week ago today, June 10-11, one of my favorite rescue dogs ever was receiving exceptional care from an exceptional team at AEC.

Dr Gullett, Leah, Dani, Saw and Nicole saved Bradley's life! Bradley was coughing up massive amounts of blood due to heartworm complications.

How Animal Emergency Center Helped

I carried him to my car and called ahead to hear that they were very busy but they would get him seen ASAP.

I had seen this happen before in other dogs and had never seen them survive. All I could do was try. 

From start to finish, AEC staff was helpful, compassionate and addressed Bradley's medical needs effectively. He is doing much better now and he WOULDN'T BE without AEC!

Animal Emergency Center is here for you and your pet in any emergency situation. Contact us today!

Animal Emergency Center in Memphis

Comments About Our Care

  • "Great caring and well-qualified staff. Very concerned about their patients. Move things along as quickly as they can. Always glad they are here when we need them!"
    - Cynthia R.
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